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Skribentens bildTobias Larsson - Business Coac

Morning Boost med affärsutvecklare Alma Backendal, Founders Loft

Founders Lofts Affärsutvecklare med fokus på Team och Talang, Alma Backendal, kommer den 27 april 2022 att dela med sig av sina kunskaper och erfarenheter kring att bygga framgångsrika och hållbara team.

Morning Boost är ett koncept framtaget av Chalmers E-village, en mötesplats för innovation och entreprenörskap. I E-village kan man bland annat kan hitta oss på Founders Loft, beläget på campus Johanneberg och mitt i centrum av universitetets kreativa miljö. En plats full av möjligheter för studenter, forskare, entreprenörer, startups, tillväxtbolag och andra som är intresserade av att samverka, dela idéer och utbyta kunskap. ​ About this event How to attract employees with the competencies you need. In entrepreneurship and the startup community, more and more focus is placed on having a diverse team with complementary and relevant competences. But how do you build a successful team?

Recruitment is hard and time consuming. Poor recruitment can devastate a startup since recruitment mistakes can lead to enormous amounts of cost and wasted hours of onboarding and re-building the team. No matter the size, the stage or the industry, companies make many of the same mistakes and face the same challenges. In this Morning Boost you will get some insights on how to define competencies that attract prospective employees with the competencies that you need, methods on how to assess the candidates knowledge, and the common mistakes to avoid. About Alma Backendal: Alma Backendal has a background in Recruitment and Staffing-supply. With a strategic mindset, she helps businesses grow by defining the competencies they need to build successful teams. As one of the Business Coaches at the Incubator Founders Loft in Chalmers E-village, Alma help startups on their journey and provides them with strategies to attract the right people and build a workplace culture that reflects their values. About the event 08.00 The door opens and we start by serving a lighter breakfast with coffee/tea 08.15 Presentation by Alma Backendal 08.45 Q&A 09.00 End


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