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Välkomnar bolaget Superkons till inkubatorn

Skribentens bild: Tobias Larsson - Business CoacTobias Larsson - Business Coac

Uppdaterat: 27 jan. 2023

A warm welcome to Founders Loft, tell us more about ”Superkons" Thank you so much Founders Loft :) Why carry home cleaning products filled with water when you have water in your own tap? Why buy new plastic bottles each time you buy cleanings products? This system is not sustainable. Super Linear (Buy-Use-throw)

Superkons deliver super-concentrated dilutables for your everyday products to eliminate single-use plastics. Our "Powder to liquid" formula is ready to make your daily rituals/cleaning less wasteful, more sustainable, convenient. The solution will lower the transport footprint and result in 99% fewer Co2-emissions than with other cleaning products. Subscription service to deliver products right to your door.

No more products filled with 95% water. No more using toxic chemicals. No more transport footprint. Instead, we provide you with super concentrates. Superkons is here to change the way we produce, & transport cleaning & hygiene products to leave close to a "0" climate footprint.

Clean without the mean!

Who are you - the Team behind the company? Founding Team Sreeja and Amruth, both are engineers now have turned to become entrepreneurs to solve societal climate challenges. We believe - “To do something revolutionary you've to change the habits of the people!”

Growing up in India and living in Sweden, We got to see both sides of recycling practices, one being unmanageable and one being extremely good.

Globally only, 9% of all plastic waste ever produced has been recycled. Just 9% - This shows we as a system have completely failed in managing resources. Found that the cleaning & personal care industry alone are the major contributors of single-use plastic.

We usually shop & are quite frustrated by seeing the unimaginable amount of plastic used in skin/personal/hair care & cleaning products and with a lot of toxic chemicals, & lack of transparency. We have been doing quite much research for a year to understand people's behavior & addiction to products with plastic bottles/packaging.

The amount of plastic usage is tremendously increasing while recycling patterns and percentages are not improving much, and research states that amount of plastic will be more in the ocean than fish by 2050. We were inspired by the concept of circular economy which makes people’s life and well-being more sustainable.

Why cant a company change its patterns instead of asking consumers & local governments to act? We started superkons to develop great quality products which are circular and are eco-friendly while improving people’s health in skin/personal/haircare & other home cleaning products.

What got you to apply for our incubator? While searching for help regarding market & launch strategies within our connections, we got to know Founders Loft. Found that it is exactly what we are looking for. Which is community-driven & strives to make the world a better place. Hope we enjoy the journey with other entrepreneurs & get inspired by the community and draw inspiration. We want a place to feel safe in sharing ideas & get access to potential networks/partners and advice from business coaches. To bring superkons vision to reality.

What’s the next step for ”Superkons"? Our next steps are to first find ways to pilot test in the Swedish market to learn Customer journeys, feedback, gain initial traction & find Product-Market fit. On the product side, we aim to have final formulations ready by Q2 Hand soaps, Bathroom, All-purpose cleaners & packaging. Establish a well-designed webshop & create awareness through strong branding. Aim to get prepared to raise our Pre-seed investment.

We hope you want to join us on the journey


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