tors 28 sep.
PwC:s StartUp-Forum in Gothenburg
PwC welcomes Founders Loft companies to a StartUp Forum where you can exchange experiences and create invaluable contacts. In PwC.s StartUp Forum you can create contacts, share experiences and meet expertise from PwC and external visitors who share their own experiences.
Tid och plats
28 sep. 2023 08:00 – 9:30
Om evenemanget
This time we meet Viktor Nord, one of the founders of the tech company Adway. He talks about his business journey from start to now and shares his experiences and challenges along the way.
The meetings are free of charge. You´ll get breakfast, so remember to indicate any allergies when you register. The last day to register is Monday 25 September, the number of places is limited.
If you have questions, contact
Warm welcome!